Get Connected

New to Faith Church and wondering how you can get to know people and find the service opportunity that's best for you? We've created three environments to help you get connected:

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Pub Chats: Break the Ice

In a church of several hundred, it can be challenging to get to know
the Lead Pastor. Break the ice at a Pub Chat. A throwback to Pastor
Dillon’s years in New Zealand (where the local pub is the place for
fellowship), these informal gatherings of six to ten people are
designed for old-fashioned conversation. Pub Chats is one of our most
popular events; registration fills up quickly, so don’t delay!

Stay tuned for the next Pub Chat!

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Connection Groups: Experience Community

Connection Groups are small group fellowships designed to connect
people to God and to each other. Groups are informal and
discussion-based, serving as a great way to meet new people and begin
the journey of life-on-life discipleship. Check out the full list of
groups here.

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Starting Point: Commit to Membership

Been visiting with us for a while and ready to take the next step? The
Starting Point class is where membership begins at Faith Church. This
two-hour class taught by Pastor Dillon will introduce you to our
central beliefs, ministry priorities, leadership structure, and
membership process and expectations.