Encouragement for the Journey Ahead
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 3/22/2020
Life is a journey with unexpected twists and turns, but Christ is the constant, Christ is sufficient, and when we rest in the sufficiency of Christ, we are energized to give generously to the troubled people we meet along the way.
Phil 4:10-23
Rejoice Always
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 3/15/2020
As there is the most heat nearest to the sun, so there is the most joy nearest to Christ. But life is full of joy-threatening temptations, things that can pull us away from Christ. Resisting these temptations allows us to "rejoice in the Lord always."
Phil 4:1-9
Watch Your Eyes
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 3/8/2020
How many times have we heard expressions like, "Keep your eyes on the road." "Keep your eyes on the prize." Whether it's reaching your vacation destination on time and intact, running a race, obtaining some life goal, or progressing in your spiritual journey, focus is a key factor.
Phil 3:12-21
The Problem of Self- Confidence
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 3/1/2020
Confidence in our own privileges or attainments leads either to pride or fear; faith in Christ unlocks the door to joy, both in this life and in the life to come.
Phil 3:1-11
The Power of Example
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 2/16/2020
Knowing that positive examples have the power of inspiration, Paul holds out two model Christians from the early church, thereby challenging us to consider whose example we’re following and what type of example we’re setting.
Phil 2:19-30
Good Faith
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 2/9/2020
We move forward in the journey of spiritual formation, not by handling everything ourselves, nor by handing everything over to God, but by displaying dependent discipline. The way forward is the way of Spirit-empowered human effort. We strive with the strength God provides; our vigorous pursuit is anchored firmly in God’s power. And the result of such pursuit is a faith that benefits the watching world
Ph 2:12-18
Have the Mind of Christ
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 2/2/2020
Pride is our attempt to dethrone God and devour others. Jesus blazes the trail of humility, showing us the more joyful way of self-forgetfulness and others-oriented living.
Philippians 2:1-11
By Death or by Life
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 1/26/2020
When God's redeemed people face serious struggles, we can know that our rescue is certain. The question is: What is God's rescue plan? How will he deliver us?
Phil 1:18b-30
Joyful Struggles
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 1/19/2020
We will find maximum joy in the journey of life when we focus, not on personal comfort, but on the progress of the gospel—both deeper in our own hearts and wider in the world.
Phil 1:12-18
Gospel Partnership
Pastor Dillon Thornton - 1/12/2020
In the four short chapters of Philippians, the Apostle Paul uses words like "joy," "joyful," and "rejoice" sixteen times. Paul had a tough life, and even wrote this very letter from a prison cell, but still he was full of joy. How? Paul knew a joy that transcends circumstances, and he wants us to experience this same joy.
Phil 1:1-11