Long Story Short Part 6: New Creation

When we don’t have at least a basic understanding of the backstory (the Old Testament), we can’t fully understand everything the hero of the story (Jesus) came to accomplish for us, and the final result is an underestimation of the Christian hope, a misunderstanding of the end of the story.


Dillon T Thornton


Long Story Short Part 5: Redemption Announced

Jesus is the bringer of the kingdom of God, but Jesus will come to this earth twice; thus, the kingdom does not arrive all at once. In the interim between Jesus’ first and second comings, he empowers his people to bear witness to him throughout the world.

Dillon T Thornton


Long Story Short Part 4: Redemption Accomplished

In the Gospels we discover that Jesus Christ is the long-awaited, once-for-all fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem his fallen world.

The Gospels

Dillon T Thornton


Long Story Short: Part 3: Redemption Initiated 

The remainder of the Old Testament tells the story of how the Creator God called a people to be his partner in rescuing the human race and restoring all of creation.

Genesis 3-Malachi

Dillon T Thornton


Long Story Short: Rebellion

A major feature of any story is the conflict, the problem that arises and that only the hero of the story can solve. In the biblical story, the conflict is a cosmic one; the problem affects all of God’s good creation. This calamity occurs in Genesis 3, simply and ominously referred to as the fall of mankind. 

Genesis 2-3

Dillon T Thornton


Long Story Short: Creation

The Bible is the most translated, most printed, most read book in history. Many readers think of the Bible as a confused mixture of characters, accounts, and commands. Sixty-six books, written by some 30 authors, scattered over a period of roughly 1,500 years, including virtually every genre known to man. Clearly, the Bible consists of many parts. Yet it communicates a metanarrative, one big story, the greatest story of all time. And when we understand this story, and find our place within it, it will change everything about our present situations.

Genesis 1-2

Dillon T Thornton