December 2024

Cookies and Carols in the Courtyard – December 8

This Sunday at 6:00pm, Faith Church, Church by the Sea, and Engaging Heaven Church will come together in our Courtyard for a time of Christmas carols, food, and fellowship. Bring a blanket or chair and your favorite cookies to share with everyone. And dress warm!

Faith Café – Monthly Collection on December 15

Faith Cafe to Go is our local ministry that provides nonperishable food to anyone in our community who is in need of meals. Each week we feed over 110 people! For the month of December we will be collecting peanut butter & jelly. There will be a cart under the tower to collect your donations on Dec 15. There is also a plastic bin behind the Connection Center where you can leave your donations. For a complete list of needed food items, see the Faith Café to Go section of the church website. Additionally, we are in need of a few volunteers to work the Wednesday drive-thru at the church: from 4:00 to 5:30pm. If you’d like to volunteer, or if you have any questions about this ministry, contact Chrissy Wyant at (727) 481-6358 or ChrissyLW3@gmail.com. We greatly appreciate your support!

Christmas Eve Services – 4:00 and 5:30pm

Celebrate the culmination of the Advent season on Christmas Eve at 4:00 or 5:30pm with Scripture readings, carols, and candlelight (identical services). Children, students, and adults will gather in the Worship Center. 

Faith Kids – Check Out Our New Wiggle Room!

Just in time for Advent! Parents with babies (up to age one), you now have a space where your little ones can play and make joyful noises to the Lord while you participate in the worship service via live stream. The Wiggle Room is located in the Next-Gen Building, the door closest to the Worship Center. Swing by and check out the new space this Sunday. If you have any questions about the ministries of Faith Kids, contact our Children and Families Coordinator, Jamie Thornton.

·      Wiggle Room (Up to Age 1): Sundays at 9:00am

·      Preschool Pier (Ages 1-3): Sundays at 9:00am

·      Kids’ Cove (Age 4-Grade 2): Sundays at 9:00am (kids start in corporate worship)

·      The Bridge (Grades 3-5): Wednesdays at 6:00pm

Worship Ministry – Drummers Needed

We are in dire need of drummers for our Praise Team! If you or someone you know is a drummer that would be interested in participating in our Praise Team during Sunday morning services a couple of times a month, please send name and phone number in an email to our Worship Leader, Brian Wyant. Also, note that we have a playlist of our worship music if you wish to listen throughout the week. Just search Spotify for “Faith Community Church Worship” and follow us!

AV Volunteers Needed

Join our AV team! We are looking for volunteers to assist with weekly rehearsals and Sunday services. No experience is necessary; hands-on training will be provided. You can serve as little as once a month. To join our team, please contact John Ward at musicdept@faithrus.org.

Operation Christmas Child Update

Despite the unexpected cancellations of our Operation Christmas Child events due to the hurricanes, the team was able to fill 320 boxes thanks to the generosity of our gospel partners! We have exciting news for 2025: we will be partnering with Seminole Baptist Church. They have a room dedicated to OCC, so we will store collected items there. We still plan on having our Christmas Extravaganza, packing party, and other activities for OCC; so be sure to keep your eyes open for upcoming events.

Shepherd’s Study – Beginning in January 2025

Study Reformed Systematic Theology alongside Pastor Dillon and all of Faith Church’s elders. The Shepherd’s Study is open to high school and college students, men and women, gospel partners of Faith Church and guests—though it is not for the faint-hearted! Participation in monthly meetings is required (unless you’re vomiting, traveling, or both). Reading volume is heavy (expect four to six assigned chapters per month). Each meeting will include two hours of lively theological discussion, with bathroom breaks strictly prohibited (we might have gone too far there). If this blurb doesn’t frighten you, then you’re the type of person who should sign up for the Shepherd’s Study. Order your copy of the 2025 text, Joel Beeke, Reformed Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, and register via the Church Center app. Group meetings are every 2nd Monday, 7:00-9:00pm. Location TBD. All reading assignments for the year (including chapters for the first meeting) can be found in Church Center/Shepherd’s Study/Events. If you have questions, contact Pastor Dillon

Church Center App

If you haven’t done so, go to your App Store and download the Church Center app. Search for Faith Community Church Seminole and follow the setup instructions. You’ll use this app to register for Connection Groups, Formation Classes, and events like Arts Camp. You can also use Church Center to give one-time or recurring donations to support the ongoing gospel ministry of Faith Church. Here is a brief video to assist you in setting up your donations and accessing your contribution statements.