The Extreme Generosity of God
The Generosity Experiment - Week 6
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Luke 15:11-32
Extreme Generosity in Our Relationships
The Generosity Experiment - Week 5
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Luke 10:25-37
Talented for a Purpose
The Generosity Experiment - Week 4
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Matthew 25:14-30
(Still) Possessed by Our Possessions
The Generosity Experiment - Week 3
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Luke 12:13-34
Possessed by Our Possessions
The Generosity Experiment - Week 2
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Matthew 6:19-34
The Paradox of Generosity
The Generosity Experiment - Week 1
Pastor Dillon Thornton
Acts 20:35; Luke 6:27-36