When we talk about worship with kids, what usually pops into their heads is loud music, jumping up and down, and silly motions. While these can be parts of worship, if we let kids believe that worship is only singing songs of praise to God then we’re missing the mark.
Last Sunday night we had our inaugural Theology through the Arts event at Faith Church. Theology through the Arts is a series of hands-on workshops crafted with the creative in mind, with the goal of helping us better understand and develop the artistic capacities gifted to us by God, the premier Creator-Artist. Our first workshop explored the musical arts….
Building Healthy Families: How We Prepare Our Children for Corporate Worship
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Heading into the new school year, you’ve likely had the same conversations in your homes that we have had in ours: “What’s our morning routine going to look like?” “How are we preparing the night before for the chaos that will undoubtedly come in the morning?”
Incorporating Children in Worship
This Sunday, August 18, we’ll be presenting each of our third graders with a new Bible and journal. This is our way of opening the door for these children to transition from children’s worship (Kid’s Cove) to corporate worship. Parents, we believe that this transition into the corporate worship environment should happen earlier, rather than later…